how to hide assignments in google classroom

 As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Google Classroom allows teachers to hide or unhide assignments. If you are a teacher and want to hide an assignment from students in Google Classroom, here are the steps:

  1. Open Google Classroom:

    • Go to Google Classroom and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Select the Class:

    • Click on the class where you want to hide the assignment.
  3. Go to the Classwork Tab:

    • Click on the "Classwork" tab at the top of the class page. This is where you can view and manage assignments.
  4. Locate the Assignment:

    • Find the assignment you want to hide in the list.
  5. Hide the Assignment:

    • Hover over the assignment title, and you should see three dots (more options). Click on these dots to open a menu.
  6. Choose "Hide from Students":

    • In the menu, select the option that says "Hide from students." This will hide the assignment from students' view.
  7. Confirm the Action:

    • A confirmation prompt may appear. Confirm that you want to hide the assignment.

Once you've hidden the assignment, it will no longer be visible to students. If you ever need to unhide it, follow the same steps, but choose the option to "Unhide" or "Show" from the menu.

Please note that the specific steps and options may vary slightly depending on updates to Google Classroom after my last training data in January 2022. If you're a student and looking to hide assignments from your view, you may not have the ability to do so; this is typically a feature for teachers


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